In our high-tech world you can get information on just about anything in a matter of seconds from the internet. More impressive is the advancement of cell phones--now "smart phones". Up until a few years ago my cell phone was a relic. Then I purchased the iphone--I sometimes wonder how I managed without it. News, weather, calls, texts, emails, DIRECTIONS (for the directionally challenged like me). It is a great device no question. However, I've just returned from a camping trip at Huntsville State Park with a small group of friends. For most of the weekend I disconnected myself from my cellular device.
I did not realize initially how badly I needed get away and "unplug". Sometimes we are so caught up in our day to day actvities that we do not look for God. He is always at work around us--we just miss Him because of our own busyness. If you've ever been camping you know it is impossible to miss God--you are surrounded by His majesty and handiwork. As I was sitting at the fire Friday night I looked up and saw the stars--including Orion's belt. I love the stars and it reminded me of God's promises.
I came to understand this weekend that I must unplug/disconnect from the world's pull on me to get plugged in/connected with God. God will not share His glory with the world. We must seek His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33
We are privledge to have the best example of how to live--Jesus Christ...after feeding five thousand men (does not include women & children) in Matthew 14:23 Jesus went away to a mountainside to pray. At the Garden of Gesthmane Jesus went with a few friends and then even further alone to pray. As my fast comes to an end it has drawn me closer to the Lord and a greater awareness of the NEED to pray and seek after God first in all things.
Take some time this week to completely unplug/disconnect and get connected to God in a new and fresh way.