Scripture says that God speaks in a still quiet voice...well for me, it seems that it requires being played in stereo (probably because I'm hard headed and don't hear the first few times). He is gracious to me that He continues to give me the message until it finally sinks in. I've heard the same message all week in different venues, with different friends, etc.--you must take action; start somewhere--even that song on KSBJ that talks about you've got to start somewhere, why not here; you've got to start sometime, why not now? So, why not now?
The message today came from a very unlikely venue. My original plans for tonight were scratched due to the impending weather. I had a friend contact me today about going to a concert--sounded great. It was interesting to say the least. I went to "the Man Journey"--this was an event for MEN--ummm I'm not a man nor do I aspire to be one. :-) I asked my friend if it was ok for women to be at this event--oh, sure.
For starters, I'm single and definitely not accustomed to being around that much testosterone. It was a little odd at first. It didn't help matters that we were a little late and were paraded down to the front--not once but twice--to the wrong side of the stage! As I sat in this room full of men I couldn't help but look around the room--not at eligible bachelors (as one might think) but at men who desired to hear God's Word. It overwhelmed me. I did think to myself--this is the kind of husband I want. As I looked over the room I prayed for the men there--married, single, young, old. They are designed to be leaders by God each and every one of them.
It was an incredible experience. The message was great--Tim Tebow is such a young man and has a heart totally surrendered to Christ & was such a blessing to witness. What an example to young boys and men of how to stand up for Christ and speak boldly. He spoke of taking action and having passion; to have a goal. Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. We all have a goal, a prize to work toward.
While the message was geared for men, God spoke to the depths of my soul. It has been a long time since I've had a dream, a goal. Tonight's message was a wake up call for me.
Another speaker tonight focused on Galatians 5:22 the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. What he said struck me. None of these are exclusive--these are all qualities possessed by the Spirit. It's like a bunch of grapes that cling together on a vine. As a personality trait we could have one, two or three of these qualities. But as fruit of the spirit, becoming holy, you possess all of these qualities in proporation to your growth/spiritual maturity. These should all be growing together. If you are working through these as a checklist you've missed the mark. These are qualities that the spirit grows in you as you mature.
I've had a desire to run for a while but have not taken any steady action to make it happen. My dear sweet friend Tracy sent me a link to a website that helps coach potatoes like me train for a marathon (or in my case 1/2 marathon). It's great information and I've read it. But it does me no good if I do nothing witht the information I'm given--I have to take action. I have to set a goal (1/2 marathon) and make a plan to achieve the goal. Tim spoke of having passion--I can't remember the last time I was passionate about something. My prayer tonight is that God gives me a passion for pleasing Him in all I do.