It is amusing to watch young children. They have great imaginations, courage and no fear. At some point we grow up and take on adult responsibilities. As we grow we take less risk, don't use our imaginations as much and become fearful. We no longer like the adventure of the unknown. We want all the answers.
I'm in the middle of a study about the Israelites journey to the promise land. I love the verse that says, " Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 - what a bold statement. No matter what challenge I face I have the confidence of knowing that God is with me. Wow! This was a command and promise given to Joshua. He and Caleb would be the only two Israelites that entered the promise land from the original exiles of Egypt. If you aren't familiar with the story--take the time to read it--it's a great.
I keep coming back to the Israelites wilderness journey because I seem to be wandering through a wilderness of my own. 2010 was a difficult year for me--devastating in some respects. As my relationship wiht the Lord deepens this year I've still had difficult moments but instead of being weighed down I'm finding joy. "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." Psalm 51:12 Did you know that you can have joy in the midst of difficulties? Happiness is in response to our circumstances; joy on the other hand is inspite of our circumstances.
I have a dear sweet friend who has cancer. She loves the Lord. She spent many years apart from the Lord and found out shortly after rededicating her life that she had cancer. She is filled with joy; she is in His presence. Psalm 16:11 says You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. I know another woman who had a rare form of cervical cancer and was given a less than 20% chance to live--she stood firm in her confidence of God and was healed. Still another woman, I admired greatly was diagnosed with stomach cancer--she lived less than three months after diagnosis but she was so full of joy and the peace of God it still brings tears to my eyes and she's been gone for almost eight years.
God promised to never leave or forsake us. Joshua 1:5 Whatever you are dealing with or going through--you are not alone. God is faithful; not only does he never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) but He also brings others into our lives to speak words of encouragement and love.
Take courage and step out into the wilderness journey that God has you on today. And remember, He brings others to walk along with you on your journey. You are not alone! You are loved!