I had a unique experience today. I spent the majority of the day with a bunch of 6th grade boys. We went on a scavenger hunt around town, etc. My church had a function this weekend D-Now (discipleship for teens) and I was a driven that shuttled kids around. It was a great experience and I enjoyed it but I saw how differently boys interact with one another than girls. I have one daughter and have been familiar of how girls relate to one another. They do however have one common thread--they deal with the same issues and pressures.
This evenings gathering was exceptional! I was at the back of the room and saw hundreds (literally) of kids--6th grade all the way up to seniors singing praises to our God and King. It truly was breathtaking seeing all of them worshiping with abandoned hearts for the Lord. I couldn't help but think of Jesus when he told Peter, "feed my sheep" John 21:17b. These kids were in 'host homes' last night and tonight. There were 28 couples/adults that opened up there homes to house these kids for this weekend. Each one of these homes made an investment this weekend. Matthew 25:21 says ..."well done, good and faithful servant...I will put you in charge of many things."
I've been struggling with some of the things that I do--they are all good but I've been worn out. I'm wanting to recharge. Tonight it became so obvious to me how these small deposits in these kids last for eternity. I taught 6th grade when my daughter was in 6th grade. I truly enjoyed it and still talk to some of the girls today. Tonight, one of them came to me broken, weeping and struggling with a situation in her life. I love this young lady as if she were my own and my heart broke for her with all that she is dealing with. I realized today that I began to make an investment in this young woman's life years ago and am called to speak into er life. I John 3:18 says ..."let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." The greatest gift you can give another person is speaking words of truth into their life.
We are all called to encourage others. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13 NIV
Who have you invested in today? Are you making deposits for the eternal kingdom? I can assure you the investment has great dividends!!