Monday, October 29, 2012


One of the things that I love is the moon.  God made it to reflect the sun and it gives light through the night.  The sun's diameter is approximately 400 times bigger than the moon.  The new moon fesitval in Old Testament scripture was a time of celebraation.  They were required under Mosaic law.

As I was outside tonight in my backyard I couldn't help but marvel at tonight's full moon.  This time of year I love to get away and camp over the weekend when the weather is like it is tonight. God speaks to us in many ways--one way for me is to get away and soak up all that He has created.

Over the weekend someone broke into my Jeep and stole a number of things.  I have kept it in perspective and not been too upset about it but realized today that the CD case they stole had one of my favorite CD/songs in it.  It was a CD by John Elefante "That's Why God Made The Moon".  The song says more than I can write here.

Have a blessed night and enjoy: