Monday, January 31, 2011

Good bye January Hello Perseverance

It amazes me how the older I get the faster time seems to fly although it never changes.  There are always 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year.  God is a the author of time.  He is the only one that has the power to make the sun stand still or darkness cover the earth.  What I have learned is that it is a matter of how you use those seconds, minutes, and hours in the day that make all the difference.

If you've been following this blog you know that it is two-fold.  My intention is to have my outer/inner beauty more closely match one another.  I've shared alot of what God is teaching me through my spiritual growth but have neglected to share the physcial aspect....mainly because I've not made much progress.  My goal is to be able to run a half marathon by the end of the year.  I have a dear friend who has been walking with me at the park but tonight, as many nights, I was too tired/busy and asked for a break.  My friend is great, she pushes me when I need it but I've failed to have a plan.  In order to succeed I need to plan so that I can reach my goal.

I'm not sure where this quote came from but it is so true--  "In order to be in the race you have to show up."  My problem has been that I'm not showing up.  Paul knew alot about this.  In I Corinthians 9:24-27 it says, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?  Run in such a way as to get the prize.  Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.  They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.  Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air.  No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."   Thousands ran the Houston Marathon this past weekend.  I know a few people who ran in excellent time.  They went into strict training before tackling a 26 mile run.  Not only do I have to go into strict training for my mind but also my body. 

The physical and spiritual are connected.  If I want to succeed I have to be willing to give God both.  While I fell short the first thirty-one days of the year I have 334 more opportunities to submit body and soul to God to achieve my goal.  As such, I need to leave behind those things that will not help me move toward my goal.  Hebrews 12:1 says ...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  Whether you know it or not you are in a race today.  God has a plan for my life and yours but we must lay down those things that hinder us from moving forward.

Let's circle back to that whole time thing--we all have the same amount of time every day to accomplish what God desires.  I've noticed on those days that I put Him first and seek after His desires that I accomplish all that I needed to whereas if I go about my day without Him I don't feel the sense of accomplishment.  He's there leading the way in your race--follow His lead and in the end you can say "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  2 Timothy 4:7

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Unplug To Get Connected

In our high-tech world you can get information on just about anything in a matter of seconds from the internet.  More impressive is the advancement of cell phones--now "smart phones".  Up until a few years ago my cell phone was a relic.  Then I purchased the iphone--I sometimes wonder how I managed without it.  News, weather, calls, texts, emails, DIRECTIONS (for the directionally challenged like me).  It is a great device no question.  However, I've just returned from a camping trip at Huntsville State Park with a small group of friends.  For most of the weekend I disconnected myself from my cellular device.

I did not realize initially how badly I needed get away and "unplug".  Sometimes we are so caught up in our day to day actvities that we do not look for God.  He is always at work around us--we just miss Him because of our own busyness.  If you've ever been camping you know it is impossible to miss God--you are surrounded by His majesty and handiwork.  As I was sitting at the fire Friday night I looked up and saw the stars--including Orion's belt.  I love the stars and it reminded me of God's promises. 

I came to understand this weekend that I must unplug/disconnect from the world's pull on me to get plugged in/connected with God.  God will not share His glory with the world.  We must seek His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

We are privledge to have the best example of how to live--Jesus Christ...after feeding five thousand men (does not include women & children) in Matthew 14:23 Jesus went away to a mountainside to pray.  At the Garden of Gesthmane Jesus went with a few friends and then even further alone to pray.  As my fast comes to an end it has drawn me closer to the Lord and a greater awareness of the NEED to pray and seek after God first in all things.

Take some time this week to completely unplug/disconnect and get connected to God in a new and fresh way.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Give thanks

I was given a compliment by a friend/co-worker today and instead of saying thank you I downplayed it.  This sweet person reminded me that it is okay to be complimented--I just need to say thank you--nothing more.   Responding to a compliment by saying thank you acknowledges your appreciation; gratitude.   I'm not sure why but I've never been very good at taking compliments or praises (or saying thank you to the compliment). 

I realized that along with not taking compliments well I'm also not very good at giving them--thanking someone for their compliment or thanking them for their help, etc.  While I do sincerely appreciate people and am grateful for their help I neglect to tell them.  We are called to encourage one another, to love one another--part of this is complimenting/thanking someone.

God reminded me that I also was not very good at thanking Him. Ouch!  I Thessalonians 5:18 says 'give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.'  There are so many things to give thanks for all day long.  My goal is to give thanks throughout my day for all that I encounter.  Thank Him for the rain to water the ground--so that I don't have to.  Thank Him for sitting in traffic on 290 because it is backed up due to an accident--I could have been the one in the accident.  Thank Him for my tired body--I have a friend who is battling cancer.  No matter what my circumstance, there is always a reason to praise God.  He desires to hear our grateful heart.

After what Christ did for me on calvary and continues to do in me, how could I neglect thanking Him?  My desire and goal is to go throughout my days continually praising God and giving Him thanks in all circumstances.

Give thanks today!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Abundant Life

John 10:10 says :The thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy; I came that  they may have life, and have it abundantly. 

I learned a long time ago that satan (thief in John 10:10) intends to steal our joy, kill our life and destroy our fellowship with God.  I heard on the radio today something that completely shocked me but made so much sense.  Lysa TerKeurst (author of Made to Crave) was discussing her book and talked about how the first sin committed was with food and a woman.  Women struggle with food; I'm sure men struggle as well but it is an issue for every woman....what a revelation!  Satan is not powerful; he has no authority he's reduced to using the same tactics.  Sadly though, for many of us it works.   Why?  Because we don't see food/gluttony an evil like drugs or alcohol.  This was eye opening for me--it solidifies the NEED to fast; denying ourselves food to draw closer to God.

The dictionary defines abundance as plentiful, oversufficient; more than adequate.  Christ came so that I could have an abundant oversufficient life.  How do I have an oversufficient, plentiful life?  John 3:30 says that "He must increase, but I must decrease."  The less of me there is the more abundant my life will become.  Abundant does not mean wealth or possessions.  It is a life rich in fellowship with Christ and the peace that surpasses all understanding in any circumstance. 

Tonight I had dinner with friends that I worked with over 10 years ago.  I don't see them very often but over the years have continued the relationships.  All of our lives have changed dramatically.  We get together once or twice a year for dinner and catch up.  Siitting around a table I saw part of my abundant life.  I am so rich in the relationships in my life.  I've been very blessed to have many men and women who I call friends that have helped shape and mold me.  God placed those people in my life.  Thank you Lord! 

May you see the reflections of your abundant life today.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spring Forward

As I added another birthday this month it also equated to another year left behind.  As the year rolls by it leaves us with more of a "past" to reflect on or regret.  It is so easy to get stuck because we hold onto our past mistakes, regrets and disappointments.  God's Word is full of hope and promise.  One of my favorites is in Isaiah 43:18-19 it says "Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing, now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."  

Here is the irony about our past--if we keep revisiting our past choices, mistakes, etc. we will never move forward.  We have to be willing to lay it down at the cross and walk away--never to look at it again.  This is a bit gross but true none the less.  Our past is like a wound: some wounds have a scab over them and are healing underneath, while others may be oozing and full of pus.  A wound with a scab over it is like a sin that has been confessed to God and you've been forgiven and allowed the Holy Spirit to heal that area of your life.  An oozing wound is unconfessed sin --sometimes we are so blinded that we don't even see it for what it is--sin.  Just like an oozing wonld that goes untreated will infect the body, unconfessed sin is poison to the soul.

Step 1 - if there is any unconfessed sin that the Holy Spirit has brought to mind, confess it and lay it at the cross.
Step 2 - once you've confessed your sin God gives you the promise of a hope and a future according to Jeremiah 29:11

The reality is that once you confess your sin God forgives you and chooses not to remember.  So why would you hold onto it? 

I've allowed my past marriage/divorce to hold me back.  God had forgiven me but I chose not to forgive myself for making the wrong choice.  Once I was willing to let go there was great freedom.  We were never meant to be in bondage.

May you leave your past in the past and never look back again...I know I'm striving to do it!

I've got some sort of head cold/congestion but managed to make it to the park for a few laps--perseverance pays off.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Backing Up A Bit

I realized I had not explained the spiritually fat and physically fit.  I had mentioned that I desired for my inner and outer beauty to more closely reflect one another and so God gave me the acronyms for FAT and FIT. 

Spiritually -
Teachable and

Physically -

So this gives me the fundamentals behind this blog and a new me in 2011.  I'm still drawing closer to the Lord through the 21 day fast.  I had never taken a fast this long with such specific and intentional goals.  I must say I have experienced quite a bit of freedom and deliverance from food--I like it!!

Today, I was reminded of the price that was paid for my body....body, soul and spirit.  The body that I have not taken adequate care.  I Corinthians 6:19-20 tells us "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought at a price.  Therefore honor God with your body."

Wow!!  I have known that the Holy Spirit dwells within me but began to let the weight of that sit with me today.  It helped me to realize that this body that I live in has not been honoring to God--spiritually or physically.  There was a high price to be paid for it--and Jesus paid it all.  In light of that, how could I not take care of my body, soul and spirit--ensuring that it is pleasing to God.

Honoring God with my body....what does that look like?  Ultimately we are to imitate Christ and be a relfection of Him but we are also to taken care of the body (which is the temple).  God created us to be physical/active beings...not sluggards.  Get moving and keep a pace that honors God!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

First Things First

Matthew 6:33 says to seek FIRST His (God's) kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Putting God first in everything I do.....sounds easy enough but how many times a day do I stop or slow down long enough to ask God if He is with me, what He desires or if I am doing what is pleasing to me?  Sadly, not nearly enough.

Today was an opportunity for kingdom work.  Thousand Hills Ministry, Church Under The Bridge was today.  We went as a group to be the hands and feet of Christ.  What an indescrible joy to see so many servants hearts and to see so many homeless fed.  A group of teens sang before worship; my daughter Celeste was one of them.  It is a blessing to see these young people who will be tomorrow's leaders following Christ.

I didn't get a walk in today but did cover ground for Christ--completely energized and exhausted at the same time.

Serving a risen Savior

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fasting forward

Any goal that you set will have obstacles to overcome. I'm finding my biggest obstacle is me.  I've struggled with my weight for the last 10 years and have tried to fix it on my own.  I've also tried "fixing" my relationship with God (in my own strength).  The interesting thing is that neither of these can be fixed by my efforts alone.

I have undertaken a 21 day Daniel fast recently.  I'm eleven days into it.  When this began I was not aware of how much I was being controlled by food and how weak-willed I had been in the past to my own fleshly cravings.  Christ tells us to deny ourselves...something that isn't easy when we choose to live in the flesh.

This week I found that my desire to draw closer to Christ superceded my desire for delicacies and Pappasitos!!  I love Mexican food-especially Pappasitos and was taken there for lunch and chose to honor my commitment.  It was a strange and wonderful feeling choosing Christ.  It is a process...come near to God and he will come near to you...James 4:8

Thanks to my friend Jessica I managed to get in about 2.5 miles of walking today.  I'll be on my feet most of the day tomorrow but doubt I'll have time to get my exercise in.  My goal is to start walking every day.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 1 - Making the shift

I've know Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior since I was 11 but did not have a personal relationship with him.  I didn't grow up in a Christian home but in God's sovereignty He placed my Aunt & Uncle (who are like parents to me) in my life.  Every Sunday they came and picked me up for church, they took me to church camp, they had a significant impact on my life.  Although God called me at a young age I did not grow up having a relationship with him.  You see, it is one thing to confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and being saved - your eternity is sealed.  It is another thing to go day after day without being changed (transformed) into His image.

As I began to grow up I could see that something was missing.  I found that just as our relationships with family and friends require time and investment, so does our relationship with God through Christ Jesus.  My salvation and eternity can never be taken away and oh what a glorious day it will be when I can be face to face with Jesus but why would I want to wait?  He gave me the Holy Spirit as a seal of what is to come.  The Holy Spirit is to help guide me through this life.

So, in 2003 I rededicated my life to Christ.  Since that time God has done an amazing work in me.  This blog is intended to document this new season of my life in that journey.  As I've grown spiritually I began to understand that while I was physically appealing (looks, size, etc.) my inner beauty was decaying.  I began to pray that God would make my inner and outer beauty match--thus the name spiritually fat and physically fit.

My commitment in 2011 is grow so spiritually fat that it will be obvious to all that interact with me that my life mirrors Jesus Christ and that physically I run a half marathon and lose thirty pounds.  So here it goes.....