Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fasting forward

Any goal that you set will have obstacles to overcome. I'm finding my biggest obstacle is me.  I've struggled with my weight for the last 10 years and have tried to fix it on my own.  I've also tried "fixing" my relationship with God (in my own strength).  The interesting thing is that neither of these can be fixed by my efforts alone.

I have undertaken a 21 day Daniel fast recently.  I'm eleven days into it.  When this began I was not aware of how much I was being controlled by food and how weak-willed I had been in the past to my own fleshly cravings.  Christ tells us to deny ourselves...something that isn't easy when we choose to live in the flesh.

This week I found that my desire to draw closer to Christ superceded my desire for delicacies and Pappasitos!!  I love Mexican food-especially Pappasitos and was taken there for lunch and chose to honor my commitment.  It was a strange and wonderful feeling choosing Christ.  It is a process...come near to God and he will come near to you...James 4:8

Thanks to my friend Jessica I managed to get in about 2.5 miles of walking today.  I'll be on my feet most of the day tomorrow but doubt I'll have time to get my exercise in.  My goal is to start walking every day.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Sharon! You are doing awesome!

    What is the 21 day Daniel fast?
