I've known for a while that I needed a change...a radical change I just wasn't sure what direction to head. While out yesterday a book caught my eye - 100 Days to Radical Change. The book is intended to help one transform their life through a closer relationship to God through Christ Jesus. I'm in! Day One - Put God First. My first thought is 'I do put God first' but in taking a closer look I don't read my bible daily, pray fervently or look for guidance from Him in all I do. I can't just say it--I have to live like I mean it.
I love how when God wants to get my attention He provides the message loud and clear through different avenues. As I mentioned, I knew I needed a radical change--I had written 'live a radical life' on my bathroom mirrior just days before (1). I found the book at Lifeway yesterday (2). Then today's sermon was on transformation (3). Specifically, he talked about the woman at the well (John 4). Her transformation was so obvious to everyone that they immediately went to find Christ. I don't know about you but I want that kind of transformation!
To round this out, I just finished a bible study about the Israelites journey to the promised land (4). At the edge of Canaan, the land God had promised to them, they decide to go investigate first. (Numbers 13 & 14). The decision had been made--God promised victory yet they chose to go 'check it out'. This showed a lack of trust in God. As a result only two of the original Israelites that were brought out of Egypt entered the Promised Land.
I can see myself doing the same thing as the Israelites in many areas of my life. Today, I had a conversation with one of my single friends. We were discussing being content in our singleness. I had indicated that I am quite content with my singleness. However, I talk about wanting a husband, try to figure out relationships, dabble in dating, etc. So if I keep talking about it, searching, etc. do I really trust God? Do I believe His Word? Matthew 10:30 says the hairs on my head are numbered, knit in mothers womb Psalm 139:13, Psalm 139:16 all the days for me are were written in your book before one of them came to be. I believe all of these verses so why would not God choose my husband and at His appointed time? I could same the same thing about work, my finances, parenting, etc.
Proverbs 3:5 is very clear, "Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding." If I'm thinking about a husband I'm also not worshipping God--my thoughts need to be focused on Him first. In Proverbs 3:6 it says "In ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." (emphasis mine)
I'm heading into unchartered territory seeking a radical change; the road is going to get narrow....stayed tuned....or better yet, join me! Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
I just bought the book myself. Read day one and you are right. We may think that we put Him first but after reading that, we see that many times God comes second and even third. Only read day one and love what I am seeing already, and plan on putting it to good use. Thanks for putting your thoughts out there to share.